I spent so much time researching different brands of diaper bag companies and perusing Amazon's reviews on different bags. In the past 11 months I was able to decide what features I really wanted in my next bag. The Louis was just about the perfect size I was looking for, as I am happy to call my self the type of mom who packs "heavy".
The problem with Louis was that it had no zippers and no pockets, so everything was constantly moving and hard to find. Also, the straps weren't long enough, so I was never able to hoist it onto my shoulder while holding the baby in the other arm.
I needed zippers, pockets, longer straps, and STYLE! I want to say that I am not a fan of Petunia Pickle- whatever the rest is.... The cutesy design just does nothing for me. Nor do I want to punctuate that cuteness by wearing said cuteness...as a backpack. Some may enjoy the pattern and convenience, so to each his own! But me? Gracias pero no.
I wanted a bag that basically looked like every purse Ive ever carried. I began to zero in on Timi and Leslie, a brand specializing in trendy yet functional diaper bags. I scrutinized Amazon and read all the reviews on the bags I liked the most: The Charlie, and Dawn. Reviews were mixed, to my dismay. I wanted a bag that was clearly a winner, not just a marginal runner up. I decided to purchase The Charlie after a few days of debate.
the front
the back
I'm a coupon junkie guys. I don't make purchases from Buy Buy Baby unless I have a coupon to use. Mainly because though I love me some Buy Buy Baby, I find their prices to be around 20% higher than other competitors. Which leads me to believe this is why they happily accepts competitors coupons and allow the stacking of coupons. They know this will drive in new business, and they will STILL make a profit despite the abundant use of coupons.
The retail of this bag is 159.99. I saw some on Ebay for upwards of 190.00. Pass. I toggled with independent retailers, but worried I would have no warranty protection if something happened to my bag early (a common occurrence with reviewers on amazon. Stay tuned for pictures to see why. I like to call it user-error). And Amazon pricing was just as common, but I didn't want to wait for my beloved to come in the mail when I could easily go pick it up at the store.
With that, I headed back to Buy Buy baby and used a 20% off coupon. I saved 32 bucks walked out with my first choice.
I will do a detailed review later, but for now I'll post some pics of Charlie upon "unboxing" and while packin it up!
all the accessories
the abyss aka the inside of the bag
more inside of bag
do you get it? do you get it?
1 of 6 elastic pockets. Yes!
a clear warning. Apparently this was a common warranty issue with consumers. Placing straps in places that weren't reinforced /meant to be used as a strap hook. Therefore the bags were ripping. Cue bad reviews. Not Timi and Leslie's fault I say.
all packed up!
Nice, my little girl is past the diaper bag stage (she's 3) but will have to remember this for my future babies.